The pie chart below shows the full distribution of our donations received by the end of the first lock down.
Any donations received by SBADC in the future will no longer be attributed to COVID costs, unless we have formally restarted COVID-specific funding.
We would like to thank all our donors: the 218 public donations and our organisational grant donors:
Devon Community Foundation, South Brent Parish Council, CAF Fund, the Yapp Charitable Trust, Sustainable South Brent, Dartmoor National Park Authority, The Feoffees, South Hams CVS, Tesco, Devon County Council, the Neighbourly Community Fund & South Hams District Council.
It was particularly heartening that, taking into account all donors, individual and grant, over 56% came from inside the Parish and just over 43% from further afield.
And of course the over 150 Volunteers including those who organised all of this, who processed the requests, ran the Food Bank, delivered everything, reached out to those isolated and waited in the wings for the call; the village shops and businesses who linked into us and who did so much to help.
It’s proper South Brent and District Caring